It’s almost that time again! Holy Family will be hosting our annual Saint Joseph Altar on Wednesday, March 19th. The Altar is solely displayed by the church and it’s parishioners. In order to have this altar, we rely on donations and lots of volunteers. We need volunteers for baking and decorating cookies, setting up, servers on food lines, kitchen help, workers for St. Joseph Day, and clean up and packing it all away. So, ladies and gentleman, can you help? If you are willing and able to join us , please contact Judy Gilardi at 985-773-3051.
There will be choir practices for all those who will be interested in singing for Palm Sunday thru Easter Sunday. Wednesday, Feb. 26th @ 5:30 Pm, March 12th &26th @ 5:30 PM, and March 16th @ 9:30 AM .
In anticipation of Divine Mercy Sunday, our parish will pray the Divine Mercy Novena according to the following schedule:
Good Friday, April 18, 2025 @ 2:30 PM before Passion
Holy Saturday, April 19, 2025 at @ 7:30 PM before Vigil
Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025 - before all Masses
Monday, April 21, 2025 -3 PM
Tuesday, April 22nd-Fri. April 25th 30 mins before Mass
Saturday, April 26, 2025 30 mins before Mass
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2025 - before all Masses
As related by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament, O.L.M., Jesus in an apparition asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday, proceed with an intention on each day of the novena, and end on the last day with an intention for the lukewarm and indifferent.
"On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls."
— Jesus to Sr. Faustina
Parish Lenten Mission with Betty-Ann Hickey, MA, Theo .
Join us for a Lenten Mission on Wednesday, March 26th. Mass begins at 5 PM, confessions from 5:30-6:30 and Mission to follow.
Betty-Ann Hickey holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry from Providence College and a Master of Arts degree in Theology with a focus in liturgical and sacramental theology, also from Providence College. She is currently working on a post graduate certificate through the Mathis Liturgical Leadership Program at the University of Notre Dame Center for Liturgy.
Before being appointed in 2011 as the Associate Director of the Office of Worship, Betty-Ann served for seventeen years in parish ministry including eleven years as a parish director of music and liturgy. In addition to her ministry in the Office of Worship, she also serves on the Board of Directors of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, on the Programming Committee of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, and as the Director of Music at Most Holy Trinity Parish in Covington.
The Knights of Columbus also have a Fish Fry each lent. KC Fish Fry is at the Franklinton Farmer's Market from 11:00 am-1:00 pm each Friday during Lent,(Except Good Friday) $10 Fish, fries, corn, bread, and dessert.
The Friends of St Francis host this fundraiser to support their ministry to the needy, as well as the Help Center Food Bank. You get a generous dinner, and you don't have to leave a tip (unless you want to). $12 for *real* catfish / $15 for shrimp or combo. All dinners include french fries , mixed vegetables, and dessert. . Thank you for your support! First one will be Friday, March 7th ! Every Friday in Lent, except Good Friday, 4:00 pm-7:00 PM
If you and your spouse will be celebrating your Silver or Golden Anniversary this year and would like to be included in a celebration here at HOLY FAMILY with a special Mass and Coffee Social on March 9th., let me know as soon as possible so we can begin the planning.
Confessions will be available at every parish in the archdiocese on Wednesday March 26th ,April 2nd and 9th. Holy Family's hours will be 5:30-6:30 PM. Other churches' hours may vary; best to check their websites or call. Confession is always available at Holy Family on Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 pm, or you may call the office to schedule an appointment. 985-839-4040.
Mass of the Lord's Supper - Holy Thursday 4/17: 7 pm | Commemoration of the Lord's Passion - Good Friday 4/18: 3 pm | Way of the Cross - Good Friday 4/18: 6 pm | The Easter Vigil - Holy Saturday 4/19: 8 pm | Easter Sunday 4/20: 8:30 am, 11 am, and 3 pm-Spanish.
by Colin MacIver of Ascension Press. An insighful article about what true fasting and penance are, and some refreshingly unconventional suggestions. Click title above.
Our parish's charitable outreach arm, the Friends of St Francis, find themselves very hard-pressed for funds right now. Utility bills are spiking, leading to many.many.many calls for aid, more than usual! Please be as generous as you're able. To ensure your gift goes where you intend it, **please write your check to Friends of St Francis, NOT to Holy Family.** Thank you for your sacrificial giving.
Fr Pedro is available for Confession every Saturday, 3:30-4:30 pm. If your work schedule conflicts with that time, call the office to schedule an appointment with him: 839-4040.
Secure your Holy Family Logo stickers for just $5.00 each, available exclusively in the office. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your support for our church community. All proceeds from the sticker sales will directly contribute to covering fees for CYO events.
Rosary 8:30 am / Mass 9 am. Celebrating Saturday as the day of Mary, has been a devotion in the Church for at least 1300 years. Our Lady of Fatima asked the visionaries to pray a five Saturday devotion in reparation for sins against her Immaculate Heart. Specifically, she asks for four actions: (1) go to Confession, (2) receive Communion, (3) recite the Rosary, and (4) meditate 15 minutes on one of the mysteries of the Rosary. You're welcome to take part in the Rosary and Mass even if you don’t want to enter into this devotion. A pamphlet will be available to guide you in fulfilling it. For more on this devotion, visit: